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The 13th Moon

21 May

I am inviting you to my first solo…excuse me, SOLA art exhibition. I am really excited about finally getting here. I am bringing all my pieces together, from 2006 to 2010 and making a small little Zine available too… check it out:

I remember drawing in my notebooks, maybe a napkin, it didnt matter what surface, but there i was drawing. Someone would notice and ask, “Oh, are you an artist”. I would look up, smile if i felt like it, and answered, “No”… I would continue scribbling and drawing away.

My soul knew i was an artist before i ever knew it. my mind was restless and always had the need to create something. Now i sit, seemingly quiet, as if i was not noticing the world around me, but i see it, i hear it, i feel it, but i transfer it into my drawings.

I am still asked, “Are you an artist?” …

I look up, smile, and answer, “Yes! I am an artist, a painter, and a writer”. The conversation continues…

“What do you do, what mediums do you use?”

“Acrylic, spray paint, glitter, water colors, pastels, markers, deco’s, pencils, linocut prints, anything i can use…”

I’m glad i finally embraced my artistry, my creativity, my spirit. Its been a journey, a process, to get to a more confident place. Now I just want to paint more and more, bigger and bigger, create installations, write more poetic verses in my pieces, cut out stencils, and learn more techniques. I love exhibitions, gallery openings, and talking to artists. I love hearing stories, and i am thankful when i meet a mentor, someone that shares their work with me.

Actually, this is where I am gonna call some people out because they have inspired the artist in me: Timoi, Doug Miles of Apache Skateboards, Sonji, Judy Baca, Carlos Rogel, Raul the Hater of Mictlan Murals, Carlos Gallegos, Andres Rivera, Amalia Mesa-Bains, and tons of other graffiteros & muralists. Of course there’s lots more; poets, musicians, play writers, and journalists. I am continuously inspired, and thats all an artist can ask for 🙂